Last winter I received a hatchery catalog in the mail. While I have always been intrigued with the thought of cheeping boxes being delivered to my post office, I put the thought of ordering chicks aside. For a while. But as winter wore on and I found myself drawn back to the images of so many different breeds of chickens, most of which I had never seen outside the pages of a book or catalog. By February I had decided that I would just order some of those exotic fowl. I had lost most of my flock by then and I had a new plan. To raise young chicks and fix up one of the barns below the house. The barn the old hens preferred was impossible to make predator proof on my budget, but I figured I could make the smaller one work.
I made lists of the chickens I would order, then amended the lists. I knew I wanted gentle hens as I love being able to walk amongst the hens as they cluck at my feet. But these are just the kind of hens that foxes and coyotes love. Easy pickings. So then I added a few whose descriptions included phrases like "very alert" and "forages and avoids predators well". Next the kids got in on the fun and spent time looking through the catalog, each one choosing their favorite. Final decisions were made and the order was placed for delivery the week of June 27th.
Contents of the smaller box |
Bearded Belgian d'Uccle Mille Fleur banties |
Partridge Cochin chick These little guys were so lively I had a hard time getting a picture of them. One immediately jumped out of the basket I was using to contain them for photographing. |